
There he was, a broken shell of a man with barely any life left in him.The streets had been his life for many years, his home. And they had not been kind. There were dark memories, eased only by the solvents on a rag.Ben had been visiting him for many months; he had come to know him, care for him and love him. Now as he stood next him Ben’s heart was heavy. Today was different, the bomberos (paramedics), had …

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God’s World Wide Church

Sermon extract from Link Church Visits – 2017 Something that I have become more and more passionate about over the years as I have engaged in short term missions is the gift of the World Wide Church and being a member of the diverse body of Christ. We all have different gifting and unique callings, for some of us that takes us to places like Latin America, but for others that means staying where we are and ministering to our …

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