Sigo Vivo

I wonder how many of you can relate to that feeling after reading a book, other than the Bible, that is truly life changing. A read that just speaks to your soul and actually changes you somehow. I hope it is not just me, but I consider myself fortunate to have read more than one book that has impacted me deeply; whether it be emotionally, educationally or in challenging and even changing worldviews. It has been over 8 years since …

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‘Life in Limbo’

I don’t remember the last time I felt so afraid, so uncertain about what was happening and so utterly out of control. My eyes had been covered and the last words my ‘mother’ spoke into my ear were, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” and with that I was taken away, placed in an unknown environment with people I had never met before. My eyes still covered, my hands tightly held under my legs; I could hear someone close to …

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Real Relationships

In my experience when working with children and young people through fun, engaging and enjoyable activities it can be easy to stay on the surface level of friendship and relationship. It is easy to focus on the planning, preparation and good execution of activities and programmes.Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, it is a joy to have fun activities for children and young people, especially when the majority of the children and young people attending live their lives …

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